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Eugenio Meccariello
aka em, Eugi, Ugly Eros, Ugly Bone
(1985 -
other activities: Auric Exciton, Covah
past activities: Tot Art, Requiem, Religious Vomit, Adramalech
guest appearances on records: Arkhaeon, Cell Division, Placenta, Rabones, Platzspitz Blues, Calhoun Conquer
Discography Excruciation:
2017: Last Judgment+Demos
2016: [c]rust
2016: Lutheran Psalms
2015: Twenty Four Hours
2014: [g]host
2014: The two sides of the coin
2013: Worship
2012: Last Judgement/First Assault
2012: Life of Immortality '87
2009: [t]horns
2007: Angels to some, Demons to others
2006: EX
2006: The Return
2005: Arise
1991: Anno Domini -
1990: Act of Despair
1989: Abyss of Time
1988: Prophecy of Immortality
1987: Last Judgement
1986: First Assault (2nd)
1985: First Assault
1985: The Fourth Apocalyptic Rider
Other selected discography:
2013: Necrodeath -
2012: Morbid Angel -
2008: The Ladettes -
2006: Black Sun Productions -
2006: Black Sun Productions -
2005: Cell Division -
2005: Tot Art -
2004: Cell Division -
199X: Cell Division -
199X: Rabones -
1994: Requiem -
1994: Placenta -
1991: Platzspitz-
1987: Calhoun Conquer -
1986: Religious Vomit -